WIEE World Innovation & Entrepreneurship Expo
UM School of Architecture Dean and CCS Smart Cities program director Rodolphe el-Khoury reported in from the inaugural WIEE World Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expo 2018 in Shanghai: “It turned out to be quite a good event and forum. UM was very visible, billed as ‘founding partner,’ and in great international company—MIT, Syracuse, UC San Diego, Aalto University, Tongji University, etc.”
Dean el-Khoury shared a few images of the conference and expo site, including UM’s container/exhibition, which showcased the collaborative work of SoA and CCS. This display will be open to the public for one year. He also reported that Miami Mayor Carlos Gimenez made a cameo appearance with a video message in which he offered to host the event in 2020. Conversations for potentially interesting research projects and partnerships with Tongji, MIT Media Lab, and other institutions were initiated.
Stay tuned for more exciting news from WIEE . . .