Smart Cities MIAMI Conference attendees view the Health Hub exhibit

Exhibitor Spaces

Promote your business with exposure to leading smart cities experts, academics, researchers, local policy makers, inventors, and enthusiasts. Limited, free exhibitor spaces are chosen on the basis of suitability to the annual conference theme. Click here to apply. Exhibits are for Day 1 only, Thursday, April 3.

Download Flyer  |  Apply Now

2025 Theme

The Conference is co-hosted by the University of Miami School of Architecture and the Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC). The theme for our 9th annual conference “Equitable Urban Futures” strives to make smart cities more equitable and inclusive through organizational and financial models, considering:

  • Frameworks for Collaborative Innovation, intending to introspect and innovate with new organizational and financial models and frameworks to attain digitally inclusive smart cities, and;
  • Shaping Socially Equitable Smart Cities, deliberating on social and spatial equity and justice in the design and delivery of smart city development policies and programs.

2025 Exhibitors include . . .Solar device


Exhibitor Benefits

The Conference will provide each Exhibitor one Tabletop Exhibitor Space consisting of one (1) six-foot table with full-length black tablecloth, two (2) guest chairs, a power source/outlet (excluding extension cord), and network access. Benefits include:

  • Recognition as Exhibitor in relevant collateral and electronic materials
  • Exhibitor recognition on event website
  • Exhibitor feature in the printed and online program that includes an image, written description, and full-color logo
  • Recognition on your name badge(s) as “Exhibitor”
  • Three (3) passes to Smart Cities MIAMI 2025 ($150 value)
  • Complimentary event parking

Exhibitor Responsibilities

  • The Exhibitor is responsible for any exhibition printed materials, visual displays, and/or hardware necessary for a successful presentation.
  • The Exhibitor will provide a high-resolution image (300 dpi) and a written description (less than 100 words) of the exhibit for inclusion in the printed Conference program by Friday, March 15, 2025.
  • The Exhibitor is responsible for the set up and take down of Exhibitor Space. Set-up begins at 7:00 AM and must be completed by 8:00 AM. Take down begins at 5:00 PM.

Exhibitors must be set up before the event begins. The booth must be attended through event duration. Exhibits are for Day 1 only and take place in the Expo Center. If selected, you will be contacted to discuss your needs and the details of your set up.  If you have any questions, please call 305.243-4962.

Please Note:  The Conference does not assume any liability for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment.


8:30-9:00 AM Registration Opens

9:00 AM Introductions and Welcome
9:10 AM SESSION 1 Opening Keynotes
10:10-10:30 AM BREAK
10:30 AM SESSION 2 Speakers “Frameworks for Collaborative Innovation”
11:30 AM PANEL Discussion
12:00-1:30 PM Extended Networking Lunch | Please man exhibits during this time.
1:30 PM SESSION 3 Speakers “Shaping Socially Equitable Smart Cities”
2:30 PM PANEL Discussion
3:15 PM Closing Keynotes
5:00 PM Event Ends (Breakdown Begins)


Smart Cities MIAMI Exhibitors 2017-2024